right now

It’s been difficult to write.  It’s hard to come here with what is honest.  These photos show some joy and normalcy in the storm.  Please know these moments exist too.

In the past few weeks Elsa turned 9.  She was supported and loved by so many people.  Friends hosted her party, grandparents came, the sun shone and Andy was able to make it to celebrate with her for a couple of hours.  She is a glorious girl whose light shines for us even in dark times.  We rest in the fact that her spark will illuminate her own path as she grows through all that is beautiful and hard in this life. 

And the last month has been full of dedicated play practice for our two.  Daily they have gone to Viroqua with a kind and loving friend to put in hours on the stage readying for the big weekend, which is now.  I have not seen a wink of it all aside from a few photos sent by friends.  I hope to attend the final performance this afternoon to support these hardworking actors!

Andy and I stay home each day.  Hours are filled with chores and naps and visits from many friends and family.  As you might imagine some days (and nights) are harder than others.  We work daily to manage Andy’s discomfort, to provide him restful spaces, to temper our grief by staying in each moment.  Andy is on oxygen to help with his breathing, he takes pain medication around the clock, he struggles to eat well, and sleep well and often feels restless.  He continues to receive immunotherapy treatment at Mayo, with a scan coming up again in a few weeks.  We are unsure what that will bring.  We have frequent and difficult conversations with each other, with the girls, with our parents and friends.  These conversations bring clarity and relief and loads of sadness. 

We have no idea how to do this.  We fumble through with as much strength and grace as we can muster.  Sometimes that looks like these photos and sometimes it looks like a gaping big hole of darkness.  We are not alone though.  Not by a long shot.  Everyday we are surrounded by the love and support of this dearest community.  There is always food in our fridge, someone to stay the night if we need, rides everywhere for the girls, lawn mowed, shoulders to cry on and plenty of moments of light and laughter too. 

We’ve made a bed on the porch for Andy and he spends hours outdoors soaking in the beauty of this amazing life.  Because, like every spring, the bobolinks and wrens fill the mornings with their persistent songs, the apples burst forth with blooms and bees and hummingbirds, and the fresh promise of nature’s renewal fills us with hope.


Elsa Mae turned eight this week.  She wanted a star-wars, roller skating, dragon party.  And I think that’s pretty much what she got.  She was very pleased with having her parents, grandparents and 8 friends at the roller rink, and she skated til her legs were sore.  Then off to the park for (Chewbacca) cake and ice cream.  A few days later it was a celebration on the lake at Grampy’s.  The new neighbor’s invited the girls into their very warm pool so they got to swim and load up on Grampy’s homemade cookies (and ice cream again).  She was smiling from ear to ear.
And then maybe best of all, when Nina and Poppy headed home for Minneapolis they left little Phinn behind so he can try out being a farm dog.  The girls are smitten.  Aside from chasing the cats he is doing great, and even though he’s not big and floppy (and I’ll eventually need one of those), I have to say I’m warming up to him.  
Elsa Mae. Sunshine in our life.  Your humor and laughter and strong determination delight us all.  Your generous, kind spirit so often leads the way.  You are a joy to know and love.  We are so blessed to have you in our lives.  Happy eighth birthday sweet girl.  We love you so.


A weekend full of celebration.  Grandparents and good friends from near and far, plenty of cake and a “baby” party.

Another journey around the sun.  Ten.  It’s hard to believe.  Full of grace and love, her nurturing spirit takes her weekly, to the humane society to care for homeless pets, to watch over young friends, to make clothes for her sweet baby dolls.

She’s no longer a little kid. We see clearly the young girl, the young women she will become.  Of course is seem like yesterday she was a tiny thing nestled in our arms.

We know how fast the time goes and we will soak up every moment as we have done til now.  We are so lucky to stand by the side of this sweet friend and sister, this caring soul who loves and nurtures the world so deeply.

Happy 10th Birthday, Iris.  We love you.


This old girl turned fifteen last week.  I will always remember the day Andy and I brought her home and gave her a bath in the sink.  She was 5 months old.  She’s been through it all with us.  Marriage, house building, babies/toddlers/kids, and of course the hardship of the last year and a half.

All along she has taught us so much.  But it seems now, more than ever, she gives to us the message of presence and joy.  There she is trundling up the stairs every morning on weakened legs nosing the door to go out, as she has done for 15 years.  There she is laying on her bed with one eye cracked open ready to spring at the cat.  There she is watching the girls out the window and wagging her tail.  There she is letting loose her hound dog howl at the laundry basket tipped over in the yard.  There she is laying her head in my lap as tears fall or laughter rolls.  There she is.  Always loving, always so totally interested in whatever is happening at that exact moment. 

Today we took her for a swim across the road at the creek.  She was frisky and wild in the water for about 5 minutes. Then she got a bath and shook water all over us like usual.  When we got home she rolled and rolled in the yard and even chased and ripped up the towel just like old times. 

She is slowing down noticeably these days.  She often sleeps through the arrival of the UPS truck, she needs help getting in the car, and she doesn’t hear us call from across the yard anymore.  But her ears still smell like heaven, she loves her morning belly rubs and she’s gonna get that cat if it’s the last thing she does.

We have loved and loved and loved her and we’ll keep on doing it as long as we can.  This old girl never fails to make us smile and laugh and feel better in the hardest times.  We are so lucky to have her in our lives.  We love you Lily Louise. 

road trip part four: best friends and another birthday

This is the last of the photos, I swear, but I couldn’t leave out the the highlight of the whole trip for the girls:  Best Friends Animal Sanctuary.   Just outside of the tiny town of Kenab, Utah this sanctuary is like nothing you’ve ever seen.  Inhabiting its own beautiful canyon, the 3,000 acres is home to over 1,700 animals, all rescues.  We had planned only one day of volunteering, but the girls couldn’t get enough (and they were only old enough to help in Cat World, you have to be ten to move on up to Dog Town!) so we stretched the schedule to accommodate another day of helping.  Because one really can’t get enough time to stroller cats, walk them on leashes and entertain them with endless cat toys (all in the name of socializing of course). It’s really an incredible place, we’ll be back one day I’m sure.
And then last weekend it was another birthday celebration.  We spent a night in Madison where the girls and I went with friends to see the Lion King at the Overture Center (totally amazing, I think there are still tickets!)  Then my birthday morning request of a tour of Olbrich Botanical Gardens (also incredible!) and then home to a cake with not quite enough room for 44 candles.  But still, it was all sweetness.  I am so blessed. 

road trip part three: boondocking and a birthday

We learned a new word while we were on the trip.  Boondocking.  By definition:  parking/camping (for free) in the “boonies” without electric, water or sewer hook ups. 
We loved it!  The west is covered in BLM land where this kind of camping is easy to find with views and solitude that can’t be beat.  And usually some mud to go along with it.

Not even a week after we returned, Elsa turned seven!  With a special-request pool party, nonna-made pool cake, and a visiting cousin and grandparents, it was a truly sweet day (even if she had to share it with her mama just a bit, it being mother’s day and all).

Seven.  Each year I find myself a little bit nostalgic to realize our baby is growing up. But mostly I am awed by her spunk, delighted by her independence, and so eager to stand by and watch her light up this world.

From rocking her cello, to riding her bike, to climbing a tree and loving her cat.  This girl is full of good humor and laughter.  Everywhere she goes she makes the world seem so fun.  And that’s exactly what we’ve all needed, every inch of the way.  We are so, so lucky to have her.  We love you Elsa Mae.

forty two

Since he isn’t feeling all recovered yet (nor is Iris who has a stomach bug) we’ll stretch the celebration over a couple of days.  Yesterday, planting 42 bulbs with his girl…

…today waking to the birthday poster totally created by his ladies (Mae came up with the theme, Iris free-handed the drawing, I mixed the paint) and a couple of sweet presents…

…and tonight a birthday dinner and the apple crisp he baked himself (yes, I know, it was one of those days.)

Tomorrow we’ll get a visit from his mom to top off the celebrations.

We are so blessed by this beautiful man, this amazing papa, this good friend.  We are honored to be by his side as he celebrates his birthday, as he continues to walk this path of healing.

From morning til night and every, every moment in between, we love you so.


Finally, this girl is over-the-top horse crazy.  I’ve kinda been waiting.  So for her 9th birthday (nine!) what better than to take a few friends to a riding stable for a lesson, trail ride and wagon ride too!  (David we can’t thank you enough!)

The day was perfect with just the right amount of sun, a favorite Nonnie cake, a surprise visit from Poppy and a new (to her) mountain bike from Nonnie and Grampy.

This girl is so ready to go.  We’ve been watching in awe as her little girl cautiousness melts into confidence, grace and an eagerness to try new things. She’s got strong legs (she’s like her dad on that bike!), a strong will (o.k. maybe just a smidge like me….what comes around goes around right?) and the strength of heart to get her through these tough times.

This girl, now so eager to learn, to read, to do math (!), to play music with her friends.  Her nurturing spirit grows stronger each year.  She’s a caretaker, this one, and we are so lucky to have her, watching out for us all.

We couldn’t be more honored to be her family, holding the space in which she is becoming an amazing girl.  We love you so much sweet Iris!

elsa mae

Elsa Mae turned 6 this weekend.  She was so ready.  After learning to ride her bike without training wheels it was the obvious next step, according to her.  “I’m getting too big for you, mama.”  Yes you are sweet girl.
Six brought the long awaited carving knife of her own, some special books and a story her sister wrote just for her.  And at her request time with all her grandparents, a small party in the park with her Monday group friends and a moon cake with star cookies.  She thought it was perfect.

All weekend we celebrated this big girl who is eager to go off on her own adventures, to read in the hammock or make forts in the trees, singing to herself the entire time.  She is independent and stubborn and oh, so full of joy.  Her smile lights our lives, her laughter fills our hearts.

Happy Birthday sweet Elsa Mae.  We love you so.

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