
There is no easy way to say it.  The CT scan didn’t bring good news.  The large tumor in in Andy’s left lung has continued to grow.  Because he had progression while on the medication he no longer qualifies for the trial that we have been doing here in Miami.  We’ll meet with the doctor again this Friday to get final details and to see what advice she has for going forward. 

What to do with this news?  How are we?  I’m not sure at all.  Fumbling, angry, heartbroken.  But not without hope.  And this is where you come in.  For some reason it’s hardest for us when it feels like people are feeling sorry for us or giving up.  Please don’t. We aren’t.  We aren’t feeling sorry for ourselves or giving up. 

This morning we woke the kids up at 6:30 am and drove to the beach to watch the sunrise.  It was fresh and wild and every color of hope you could imagine.  Then we went out for coffee and pastries just like everything was wonderful.  Because in that moment it was.

5 thoughts on “sunrise”

  1. Thinking about you guys all the time. We love you and will be there by your side continuing to fight. Your words are so powerful and articulate. Please give my love to Andy, the girls and yourself. Sending love and prayers. Cousin Kristine


  2. Nope, not pity. Definitely inspiration and motivation to seize each day and live each moment, as you are. That's what you guys do for us. So, thanks for that. Sending you lots of love from the snowy north.


  3. I don't think any have lost hope in anything you and your family tackle or what will come in the future. You give us hope and inspiration by your words, love for your family, and just being. I think of you all the time because it does give me hope and perspective on what really matters. Love to you all! Erika & the gang


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