
We spent the last 3 days in Miami.  It was a whirlwind but we were able to meet Dr. Wilky and the team that will be Andy’s new set of docs as he enters this next stage of treatment.  It was an energizing experience for us.  Everyone was super friendly, we found the city fairly easy to navigate, we were blessed to crash with a childhood friend of mine whose hospitality was over the top, we got to stick our feet in the ocean and we found a safe and lovely place to rent (with so much gratitude to the incredible supporters of our on-line fundraiser).
At one point in the whirlwind Andy turned to me and said “I feel like we are in the right place” and that was all I needed to hear.  So onward.
We are back home now for a short time.  Time to pack, and secure our farm and animals, tie up loose ends, and try to remember all the tiny details that will make the relocation smooth for the girls.  People often ask us how they are doing with all this.  They are strong and resilient girls who are freaked out about leaving their beloved cozy home but who have a sense of adventure and love to explore new places.  Sometimes they can’t wait to go, sometimes they are in tears about leaving.  We feel the same.  It may be a bit of a bumpy ride for the next month until we find our Miami groove (I’m counting on there being one) but we’ve got our seat belts fastened and I know to secure my own oxygen mask before assisting others.  We are on our way.  Love to you all.

One thought on “miami”

  1. Good luck Jonel to you and Andy, and your beautiful daughters. I will pray that your family can get through this difficult time away from your country home. My father is in his last stage of cancer, so ironically I'm spending a lot of time in Southwest Wisconsin!!!


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