
The last two weeks we’ve spent waiting to finalize details on treatment and waiting to get better from some virus that has taken hold in our house.  Everyone has been running fevers, sleeping on the couch, cuddling with animals, watching movies (three hours of The Sound of Music!) and drinking tea.  Andy’s had it the longest (two weeks now) and that’s worrisome, but we’ve had a bunch of tests run and at the moment it still seems to chalk up to something viral.

Days crawl by at this pace and we are antsy to feel well and to know what lies ahead for treatment.  It takes time to line up appointments, move medical records around, get screened, compare notes, make decisions.  We hope to know more soon and will certainly share with you what we know.  In the meantime we’ll rest by the fire and drink some more tea and watch the first of the snowflakes filter down.  Wishing you all well.

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