
A weekend full of celebration.  Grandparents and good friends from near and far, plenty of cake and a “baby” party.

Another journey around the sun.  Ten.  It’s hard to believe.  Full of grace and love, her nurturing spirit takes her weekly, to the humane society to care for homeless pets, to watch over young friends, to make clothes for her sweet baby dolls.

She’s no longer a little kid. We see clearly the young girl, the young women she will become.  Of course is seem like yesterday she was a tiny thing nestled in our arms.

We know how fast the time goes and we will soak up every moment as we have done til now.  We are so lucky to stand by the side of this sweet friend and sister, this caring soul who loves and nurtures the world so deeply.

Happy 10th Birthday, Iris.  We love you.

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