spoon carving

Andy continues his love of spoon carving and last weekend at the Driftless Folk School spoon gathering, the girls got into it too.  It was sweet to watch.  Two days of carving, listening in as the adults talked (and talked) about carving, taking a break to play with friends and carving some more.  On the last afternoon the carvers gathered in a big circle, each with a spoon blank.  Everyone began carving a spoon and then every ten minutes they would pass it to the person to their left.  That went on for over an hour and then when they called “time” you passed once more and that was the spoon you got to keep.  Iris really enjoyed her part in that carving circle and ended up with the sweet heart spoon.  You can see it in the photo of the circle of spoons.

It felt like a great kick-off to the school year.  A weekend of eagerly leaning into learning something new. And now we are also playing math games, making fall art, reading, reading, reading and much more.  It’s so fun to school with these girls! 

The week ahead brings a birthday celebration (10!) and visits with family and friends.  We’ll soak up each moment just like we do these days of late summer sunshine.   Andy is feeling well and our hearts are positive.  His next scan comes soon too.  Amid the worry there is still so much love and joy that carry us along.

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