right now

We are still hearing the sweet music of two girls who are so excited they can now play tunes together.  And remembering a lovely weekend with good friends.
We are recovering from the news that Andy’s round of treatment, scheduled for this week, is delayed until next week due to a small infection around his port (this is the device that was installed under his skin through which he can receive chemo.  I always think it sounds like where the spaceship should land.  Maybe it does.)  The infection is being watched closely and he is on antibiotics, of course.
We are making loads of kimchi and packing it away for winter.
We are watching as Iris embraces mornings of more formal learning, and enjoying her thirst for information now that reading has become easy.  
We are coaxing Mae into homeschool Kindergarten even though she is still so distracted by the cat.

We are occasionally staying up late to watch really stupid movies that make us laugh.

We are usually going to bed really early because we are exhausted by everything and want to get up before daylight to meditate, read, write and focus for the day.

We are enjoying Andy’s health, energy and well being this week.  We are allowing it to lift our hearts and spirits and pull us forward.

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