a week’s full

Last week was a really full week. 

It started off with a rockin’ home school square dance during which Iris got to play a tune with the band,

followed by an afternoon of more peg people crafting (apparently one can never have too many peg people),

followed by another performance at a local community meal during which she got to play with an ensemble, (wow, cellos and violins do sound amazing together),

followed by a really crazy hailing thunderstorm which brought torrents of water down our valley and mounded up piles of hail to play in,

followed by a beautiful but-c’mon-really? late in the season snowstorm,

followed by baby ducks in the tub.

That’s about enough excitement for a bit.  We’ll take it easy for a few days now and just wait this little ol’ spring out.  She’s comin’, the peepers and red-wings say so.

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