around the farm

 I had intentions to write about other things tonight, but then 61 photos showed up on my camera from the weekend and proved to me that it was full enough.  So, a look around.

 Teamwork in raincoats.  We had to get out in it, wish it had lasted a little longer.

 Farmgirl style.

 The homegrown wheat project continues.  Threshing and winnowing experiments this weekend.  Further adjustments necessary.

Wishing you a wonderful week.

2 thoughts on “around the farm”

  1. Wow, can't believe your garlic is in and dry. I need to dig mine this week. We are a few weeks behind you for sure. My garden partner is growing wheat for the 3rd time this year – it's a small patch similar to yours and he does everything by hand too. We need to cut it soon and attempt to get it down to usable kernels of wheat (you may find that it takes you that long to perfect your system of doing everything by hand). We were one of the only places in the country that didn't get that crazy June heat-wave. It was a big winter that turned into a slow, long spring with cool temps and a fair bit of rain. Summer finally hit about July 6th with a week of 90-100 degrees (we needed it!). More rain this weekend (flash floods in places even) and temps are back down to the 80s. It's amazing how much you watch the weather when you are growing food. 🙂 Miss y'all!


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