in the works

A couple of weeks ago we picked up the yarn made from our sheep’s wool. Last spring, after shearing, we decided to have the wool processed into yarn at a local mill. We are quite happy with the results. The white turned into a soft, thick worsted weight and the black, which we had heathered with the white, is an even softer, finer yarn. I love it. Lots and lots of yarn.

The planning has begun for all sorts of things to put on the needles. And even though my mind and hands are on holiday crafting, I can’t wait to get some knitting in the works as well.

Andy too has some projects in the works. This fall my dad got permission to cut down a dying American Chestnut in his neighbor’s yard. The American Chestnut is virtually extinct in the United States, however ongoing restoration efforts are in progress. Dad’s neighbor was kind enough to offer the large logs to Andy for use in woodworking projects. Well known for its usefulness in building anything from fine furniture to shingles, American Chestnut wood, once plentiful is now a rare find. We’ve watched this particular tree over the years realizing that its days were growing shorter. It certainly feels like a bit of an honor to have the opportunity to give this tree a second life. So, after much winching, rolling, and coercing, the logs were in the truck, and are now at our Amish friend’s sawmill to be turned into boards. We’ll keep you posted on that project!

And at last, more work on the barn! The upper and lower doors are going up! Once that is done the barn will be closed in and work can begin to insulate the upper story to be Andy’s woodshop. There is still much to be done, but the momentum is exciting.

It’s so good to have projects in the works. Hope you too have something fulfilling to do!

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