morning chores

Yesterday a good winter storm blew in. Although it foiled our plans to take Iris to the Nutcracker, we settled in for some holiday baking and crafting and all was well. This morning we woke to a winter wonderland with drifts piled high. The kids couldn’t wait to get out so we all bundled up for morning chores.

Digging out the chickens!

No morning is complete without a bit of mouse hunting, of course.

Fresh hay and grain for all.

Tonight the soup is on, the fire is warm and all is snug. Hope you enjoying your winter nest too!

One thought on “morning chores”

  1. Looks like fun. We got a big snowstorm overnight last night too. About about 20 inches for us, for a total of 2+ feet consolidated on the ground now – not bad for Dec 12th! Our morning chores didn't involve feeding farm animals but snowblowing our driveway and paths for the dogs around the yard. Two of our dogs won't leave the porch if it involves wading through snow! One dog loves it tho'. It's fun to have so much snow. Enjoy!


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