bit by bit

Around here if we measured our lives by the “work” getting done we’d have a lot of tape still rolled up in the measure. Sometime I have to reel myself in from that need to “get something done” and remind myself (o.k. over and over) that right now our “work” is something different. It’s playing in the sandbox and searching for tree elves and eating raspberries by the handful. And that is good. So good.

Oh, but still, being “productive” feels good. Really good. I can’t deny it, progress is a bit addictive. So, the couple of days that Andy found to begin putting the roof on our barn…progress! What a rush! This little farm is growing in so many ways.

Critters growing too. Check em out. The lambs rendered so sweetly last spring by my friend Monica. You can see more of her amazing work here.

And now… SHEEP. Fat and woolly and full of burs and still pretty dang cute, even if they did up and grow out of their funny little lamb selves.

And talk about growing! Goodness. These two are playing together. Shhhhh, don’t tell them how thrilled we are.

Here they are with their babies in slings. Just after this they started “bouncing” them around (“to get them to fall asleep”) and Elsa was doing these hilarious deep knee bends that knocked her baby right out of the sling. I was giggling too hard to get a photo that wasn’t blurry.

(Now don’t go thinking it’s all love and fun around here. I’m sure right after this one of them grabbed the other’s baby and there were tears. We are normal you know!)

Happy Monday to you.

One thought on “bit by bit”

  1. Oh those beautiful girls! How much they have grown! LOVE the look of your barn. I always think that when it takes longer to accomplish a task, the more you enjoy it when it is completed. Growing up on our farm, things were always a work in progress but we really appreciated it when things were done. I know how you feel, we are starting to finish our basement. A project that may take years to complete. Ah, we will just work along at it. Take care all of you! We miss you!


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